1. Slow drip. If your water pipes pass through unheated or unprotected enclosed spaces, consider allowing a slow drip from your faucets to reduce the buildup of pressure in the pipes. Even if water in a pipe does freeze, the pressure release from a slow drip may help to reduce the likelihood of a ruptured pipe.
2. Allow warmer room air to reach enclosed pipes. Where water pipes are vulnerable near exterior walls, open the cabinets under faucets and consider removing basement ceiling tiles to expose these pipes to warmer air from the room. This allows the warmer air from the room to circulate into those enclosed areas and may help to keep those pipes warmer, possibly preventing a ruptured pipe.
3. Set the thermostat to at least 55 degrees. Maintain a minimum interior building temperature of 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Periodically check on any unoccupied buildings or spaces for signs of low interior temperatures or ruptured pipes.
4. Don’t allow inside temperatures to fluctuate. Keep the thermostat set to the same temperature during day and night.
5. Insulate exterior spigots. Protect outdoor spigots with insulating domes or other coverings to reduce the likelihood of those water pipes freezing and rupturing. Disconnect all exterior hoses from outdoor spigots.
6. Monitor space heater use. As always, use extreme caution and constant supervision with space heaters.
7. Shut off water immediately if you notice a leak. If you notice any water leakage, immediately shut off the system control valves that lead to any leaking pipes, to reduce water damage and business interruptions. Immediately contact a licensed and qualified plumber to assess the situation to prevent further damage and to make necessary repairs